利用多样性, 公平与包容 to drive the AHA's mission to be a relentless force for a world of longer, 更健康的生活.
< div >The 美国心脏协会 created the 卫生公平办公室 in 2018 following an 18-month in depth review by a volunteer-driven task force.
在Live悍/ atrsamevte和Vivir播客中,科学与自我保健相遇
< div > 我们是女人. Strong. 确定. 激烈的. 这两个播客将我们聚集在一起,为我们的健康表明立场. 这个有趣而充满活力的系列节目以英语和西班牙语为特色. They're hosted by 美国心脏协会 Executive VP of Marketing and Communications Katrina McGhee – who is also a longtime professional coach -- and Lili Gil Valletta, co-founder and CEO of the cultural intelligence firms CIEN + and Culturintel.
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< div > EmPOWERED to Serve™ offers college scholarships to students who are passionate about public health, 卫生公平和社区参与, especially those in communities with fewer resources to help students manage financial aid and debt. 目前就读于美国一年级、二年级和三年级的学生.S. college or university who are working to improve community well-being and have a 2.平均绩点不低于0才有资格申请.HBCU学者计划
< div > The AHA partners with Historically Black Colleges and Universities to help students working toward professional degrees in the biomedical and health sciences. HBCU学者了解他们社区的健康状况, 参与研究项目,探索不同的职业道路. 目前正在招收黑人或非洲大二学生, juniors and seniors at select HBCUs who are highly motivated to seek careers in biomedical or health sciences and have a 3.理科GPA 2分才有资格申请.HSI学者计划
< div > The AHA partners with Hispanic Serving Institutions of Higher Education and their students to create a pipeline for diverse researchers and health care professionals. Scholars are provided academic and career-enriching resources, including scholarships and mentoring. 目前在读大二, juniors and seniors at select HSIs who are highly motivated to seek careers in biomedical or health sciences and have a 3.理科成绩为0分的学生有资格申请.工作场所的健康公平
< div > The 美国心脏协会’s CEO Roundtable is working to eliminate workplace inequities that harm the health and well-being of employees, 企业和社区. 圆桌会议的新报告, 由商业领袖和健康专家开发, provides actionable strategies and principles employers can use to build toward health equity.致力于为每个人提供公平和充实健康的生活
通过研究, 社区解决方案和其他实质性工作, the AHA is addressing barriers to health equity including structural racism, 危害人民健康和威胁农村健康的社会因素.
- 在线,自定进度的学习环境
- Training for healthcare professionals to identify health disparities and remove bias
- Improve patient outcomes by integrating equitable solutions into hospital/clinical practice
The 美国心脏协会 issues statements and advisories on health equity, 社会公正和结构性种族主义. 以下是我们最近的一些立场声明.
The 美国心脏协会 is a science-based organization whose core research programs have launched or furthered the work of many of this country’s brightest researchers. We have scientific statements and conference proceedings that address health equity-related issues. 点击这里查找要点.
The AHA has published policy positions on many issues related to health equity, 包括可负担得起的, 访问医疗, 健康的社会决定因素, 获得负担得起的健康食品, 儿童健康和其他. 这里是我们的一整套政策立场.新型冠状病毒肺炎
< div > 美国心脏协会正在与研究人员合作, 医学专家, 社区领袖, 企业, 家庭和更多的人来减少冠状病毒的影响. The following are some ways we’re dedicating our resources to make a difference.多元化领导委员会
The 多元化领导委员会 comprises of volunteer leaders who advise the AHA and our Board of Directors on issues related to diversity, 公平与包容.